Monday, July 30, 2007

Requirement Analysis Level

Requirement Analysis



During this phase, test team studies the requirements from a testing point of view and identify the testable requirements. This also includes interaction with various stakeholders involved in the project to understand requirements in detail to define the scope of the work. Automation feasibility analysis (checking the applicability of various test tools to carry out and manage the testing) is also one of the activities done in this phase. Requirements could be classified as

Functional Requirements: These specify the functions that a system or system component must be able to perform.

Non Functional Requirements: Non-functional requirements specify system's quality characteristics/attributes like performance/security/availability etc.

Various components of this phase can be found in the below diagram.




1.Requirements Document available (both functional and non functional)

2.Acceptance criteria defined.

3.Application architectural document available.


Activities under Analysis Stage:


1.Analyse business functionality to know the business modules and module specific functionalities.

2.Identify all transactions in the modules.

3.Identify all the user profiles.

4.Gather user interface/authentication, geographic spread requirements.

5.Identify types of tests to be performed.

6.Gather details about testing priorities and focus.

7.Prepare Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM). Refer to Test Deliverables (RTM section) for the details of this.

8.Identify test environment details where testing is supposed to be carried out.

9.Automation feasibility analysis (if required).




1.Effort spent on

a.   Requirement Analysis to prepare RTM

b.  Review and rework of RTM
c. Automation feasibility analysis (if done)


                        a. RTM review defects.



Signed off RTM

Test automation feasibility report signed off by the client


Monday, July 2, 2007




Banking is one of the most important services in financial sector. It also provides fuel for economic growth of a country. It offers safety and liquidity for the investors. Banks are the principal source of credit for dealers, households, small businesses like retail traders and large business houses. Efficiency of a bank depends on their ability to satisfy their investors by offering comparatively a better interest rate to depositors and at the same time offering credit to their borrowers comparatively at cheaper interest rates. With a narrow interest rate spread (difference between borrowing and lending rate), they should make profit also.

Looking into the present profile of a bank, it has grown up phenomenally offering large number of products other than the traditional functions of accepting deposits and lending funds. It is worth analyzing the historic background of evolution of banking services. When and how the banks appeared? Linguistics (the science of language) and etymology (the study of origin of words) suggest an interesting story about the origin of banking. Both the old French word ' banque' and the Italian word ' banca' were used centuries ago to mean a 'bench' or 'money changers table'. This describes quite well what historians have observed concerning the first bankers who lived more than 2000 years ago. They were money changers situated usually at a table or in a small shop in the commercial district aiding travelers who came to town by exchanging foreign coins for local money or discounting commercial notes1 for a fee in order to supply merchants with working capital.

Software Test Life Cycle

Software Test Life Cycle

Different stages involved in testing and certifying a software product is called as Software Test life cycle (STLC). Each of these stages has definite entry criteria, exit criteria, measures/metrics, set of activities & deliverables as involved.


The different lifecycles involved in a testing project are given below.

1.      Requirement Analysis

2.      Test Stratagies

3.      Test Case Development

4.      Environment Selection

5.      Test Execution

6.      Test Cycle Closure